Study by DE3P and Detecon International on Organization Experience. Free download without an e-mail wall! +++
Study by DE3P and Detecon International on Organization Experience. Free download without an e-mail wall! +++
Study by DE3P and Detecon International on Organization Experience. Free download without an e-mail wall! +++
Study by DE3P and Detecon International on Organization Experience. Free download without an e-mail wall! +++
Study by DE3P and Detecon International on Organization Experience. Free download without an e-mail wall! +++
Study by DE3P and Detecon International on Organization Experience. Free download without an e-mail wall! +++
Study by DE3P and Detecon International on Organization Experience. Free download without an e-mail wall! +++
Study by DE3P and Detecon International on Organization Experience. Free download without an e-mail wall! +++

Become a certified 77 HUMAN NEEDS Expert

Boost your human centricity skills with the 77 HN system to create deep and sustainable experiences.

Requirements for participation:

Experienced moderators, design thinkers, coaches, trainers, managers.
You will learn:
In-depth understanding of the 77 HN system and its benefits for the whole value chain
How to systematically analyze human experiences based on context, needs, satisfiers, emotions, cognitions and motivations
How to use human centered design methods with the 77 HN system
How to measure the quality of experiences
Beside applicable knowledge you get:
77 Human Needs card set printed and digital
Certification as Human Needs Expert
Where & How:
2 days on site or virtual training + 0,5 day digital consultation
Bonn & Berlin, other locations on request

EMpathietraining für führungskräfte

Emotionale Intelligenz ist die wichtigste Zukunftskompetenz für Führungskräfte, so antworten 58% aller Teilnehmenden einer Umfrage der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Personalführung DGFP auf LinkedIn im April 2024.
Um dieser Herausforderung gerecht zu werden, haben wir das erste Empathie-Training auf Basis der 77 Human Needs entwickelt. Führungskräfte lernen: 

- Wie sie die Bedürfnisse und Emotionen ihrer Mitarbeitenden verstehen
- Wie sie ihre eigenen Bedürfnisse und Emotionen verstehen können
- Wie sie in verschiedenen beruflichen Kontexten empathisch führen. 

Das Training behandelt die 10 wichtigsten Bedürfnisse und Emotionen am Arbeitsplatz. Es ermöglicht, die wichtige Fähigkeit der Empathie effizient und nachhaltig in der Organisation zu verankern.  

Umfang: 15 Stunden
Sprachen: Deutsch und Englisch
Durchführung vor Ort oder online 

Für weitere Informationen kontaktieren Sie bitte


EMpathy Training for leaders

Emotional intelligence is the most important future skill for leaders, according to 58% of all participants in a survey conducted by the German Association for Human Resource Management DGFP on LinkedIn in April 2024.
To fulfill this requirement, we have developed the first empathy training based on the 77 Human Needs. Leaders learn: 

- How to understand the needs and emotions of employees
- How to understand your own needs and emotions
- How to lead empathically in different professional contexts. 

The training covers the 10 most important needs and emotions at work. It enables the important skill of empathy to be anchored efficiently and sustainably in the organization.  

Scope: 15 hours
In English or German language
Conducted on site or online 

For further information please contact

77 Human Needs Expert

TrainingS 2024

We offer the 2-day-in-house training to become a certified 77 Human needs expert for teams of 4 or more people.

For other requests, let´s talk about the most suitable solution.
If you are interested, send a message to

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